
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

                                                                  Here are some helpful tips 
  •  Make it a routine: I came across the quote "Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there" by Zig Ziglar the    other day. This is so true. If I would keep up with working out even after the motivation has left I'm positive I would see so much more improvement.
  • Wake up earlier: Simple enough, you need to make time for yourself to improve if that's really what you want. In order to find that time, you may have to adjust your schedule and get up earlier.
  • Get enough sleep: do it! Sleep is so important for your overall health! Plus who likes to workout when they're tired? 
  • Make a daily schedule: Again, this comes back to making time for yourself. If you schedule a certain time each day to work on being healthier you're more likely to actually take that time to do it (in my opinion anyways). 
  • Eat well: This is one of those tips that has a duh factor. But in all honesty, it's a personal struggle for me to eat healthy. I try but maybe if I scheduled in time to prepare healthy meals it would be easier for me. 
  • Don't make excuses: Oh I am a master of excuses when it comes to exercise and being healthy. But I'm starting to learn that if being healthy is something you truly want you have to get rid of the excuses and take it on full force. 
  • Track all workouts: I've never done this, but I have tracked my eating before and found that I ate much better when I kept track of it and actually made myself accountable for what I was putting in my body. I imagine the same goes for working out, not to mention the feeling of accomplishment one must have in seeing all the work they have done to make themselves healthier. 
  • Take necessary breaks: I like this tip. I've seen so many workouts online that push a person so hard it seems like you would get burnt out very easily. But if you're taking breaks during your workout (and using that time to stay hydrated) and taking a day off now and then to let your muscles rest I would think your body would thank you for that. 
  •  Add variety: Ah, the spice of life. Who wants to do the same workout or eat the same things over and over? I believe you're more likely to stick to improving your health if you're having fun at the same time by mixing it up. 
  •  Know you can do it: This is an important tip for me. Doubt is one of the biggest reasons I quit. If I don't see results fast enough I assume I'm not doing it right (be it eating well or working out) and give up too soon. We need to put that positive voice in our heads that says, "Yes! You CAN do it!"
